Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chicken Scampi

I love this recipe because it is healthy, fast and easy. My pictures aren't that great and I forgot to take a bunch of them but hey, who just had shoulder surgery!

Here is of what you need:

First, slice up the onions, cut the tomatoes into chunks, chop up the parsley and juice the lemons and cut-the chicken into bite sized pieces..

Get a big pot of water boiling for your pasta because . . . . the rest goes really fast.

First heat up your oil so that it is pretty hot but not too hot. Then add the garlic:

Add the chicken and let it cook until it is browned:

Flip the chicken over and brown it on the other side. Browning it makes the sauce taste even better. Your chicken should look something like this:

Throw your pasta in the bowling water while you do that last few steps:

Turn down the heat to simmer and add the tomatoes, onions, parsley and the lemon juice. Scrape all the brown bits off the bottom of the pan, making a nice brown light gravy.

Mmmmm, that looks good doesn't it.

Drain your pasta, pour your chicken on the top and there you have it: Chicken Scampi!

You are probably wondering where the recipe for LeeAnn's marinade is, I am too . . . remember . . . surgery. . . shoulder. . . me . . . loosing my mind, etc.


Chicken Scampi

6 pieces chicken, cubed
olive oil
3 t. garlic, crushed
2 bunches green onion, sliced
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
4 tomatoes, cut-up
1/2 c. lemon juice

Brown chicken in olive oil and garlic. Turn down to simmer and add rest of ingredients. Pour over pasta.


  1. I love this dinner. Ask Jessi how many times we ate this in Provo together. I bet she got so sick of it. Thanks for reminding me about it! Glad your shoulder is getting better.

  2. i can't wait to come home!!

  3. We can't wait either! I have cooked fish twice this week. The kids do not like it all that much but what am I to do? You can help me post the new recipes on the bog, OK? Love, Mom

  4. This is one of my favorite meals, I make it ALL the time and almost every time we have new friends over! Yummmmm.
