Monday, March 29, 2010

Pizza Sauce

When Gregg was in dental school, he sat by Scott Tardugno, who was a true blue Italian. One day Gregg asked him if he had a good pizza sauce recipe. Scott said his Grandma made the best pizza sauce in all of Italy. So, his buddy wrote the recipe down on a paper towel and gave it to Gregg. We have been making that sauce for the past 20+ years and I still use the recipe off of that paper towel to this day. This is a classic Chicago Italian pizza sauce, thick and spicy. Here are the main ingredients:

The best invention ever are the garlic squares from Trader Joe's. I have not chopped, diced, peeled or used a garlic press in years, I kid you not. The garlic comes frozen in this little box:

Inside are these cubes of fresh/frozen garlic. 1 cube equals on clove of garlic. They are the very best thing in the whole world!!!! I love them!!! If you don't live by a Trader Joe's, I will have a moment of silence and prayer that one opens near you soon. Back to the recipe.

Pour enough olive oil to cover the bottom of you skillet and heat it up.

Add your cloves of garlic and cook just until they start to brown but don't let them burn, that tastes nasty. Your garlic should look like this:

Add the tomato sauce and all of the spices and blend them together a bit.

Put a tight lid on your pan. Turn the heat to high and let the sauce boil (remaining covered the whole time) for 10 min. After 10 min., turn the heat down to low and let the sauce simmer for 1 hour.

After an hour, turn the heat off, open up your lid, stir the sauce, and there you have it; the best true blue Italian Pizza sauce in the whole wide world (according to my kids).



Pizza Sauce

Fill the bottom of a deep pan with olive oil. Cut-up 1/4 head of garlic and put it in with the oil. Heat it up until garlic is slightly brown. Put in 5 small cans of tomato sauce. Add 2 t. of: pepper, oregano, salt, basil, and garlic powder. Boil for 10 minutes and let simmer for 1 hour.